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Page 334

340-341-342: Applied Chemistry:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 312-313-314 and 321-322-323 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course are devoted to the study of fundamental
principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount of collateral
reading in descriptive industrial chemistry is assigned, and written reports
involving use of the literature are required. Better appreciation of the quantitative
relationships existing in the applications of chemistry is gained through problem
work paralleling the lecture material. A number of plant inspection trips are
arranged during the year. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Badger and Baker: Inorganic Chemical Technology; Lewis and
Radasch: Industrial Stoichiometry; Riegel: Industrial Chemistry.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.