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March 3-9
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March 3-9

Attend Lay Reading at Grace Church. Such very warm weather. It makes me feel very weak. I walk a great deal and I think it helps me much. The 4th of March, the Ides of March, are past and Lincoln is our President. Oh, what a disgrace! How are we even to hold up our heads again? Oh, that Virginia would only secede even now. Sister Betty and her children leave on Tuesday. Lizzie Dee is also going up so I get Maggie ready to go with her. The dear child is so anxious to get home. Feel very quiet after they all leave ....[Letters received.] Tuesday Miss Vallant and I walk to The Creek to spend the night. Cousin Howel has promised me a fish the next day at The Watson's hole but the weather turned cold very suddenly and we had to give it up; hope to have it yet before I go home. Such a nice time with Cousin Sarah. We talk much of Emily. Dear Little Emily, will we ever meet again on earth? God knows what is best for us and to his will must we submit. Come home Wednesday evening after Prayer Meeting at Church. Miss Vallant stays all night with me. Thursday night Miss Vallant and I spend together at Kinloch and Friday we are at Clover Fields where the rain keeps us all day Saturday. I enjoyed myself much at both places for it is a great pleasure to me to visit around among my friends and kin ....On my way home from Clover Fields I meet with quite an accident or rather adventure. Miss Vallant and I were walking gaily along talking on a very amusing subject when coming up to Jack's Branch which was much swollen by the late rain I was trying to jump over, fell in and got such a soaking. I did not mind getting wet but I spoiled my new calico dress; however, we had a good laugh. Saturday, the day Sally fixed upon to be up but it seems too hard. Had a note from her in the evening and she seems doubtful about coming at all. I am much disappointed. I write that I will take no excuse. Miss Vallant is with me Saturday night.