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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Pay all thy Debts, first what to God is due,
Then canst thou owe to no Man anything!
Then shall the Earth and all her Voices sing
Sweet Music to thine Ear, and Spring shall strew
For Age her Flowers as when Life was new!
Be not closehanded, wisely mayst thou fling
Thy Bread upon the Waters, Time will bring
All back with Interest: for what unto
His Care Man trusts, thereof he loses naught,
But, like an Usurer, with Joy or Pain
He pays each Moment surely back again,
According as 'twas spent: by Wisdom wrought
Into the Substance of eternal Gain,
Or still by Folly deemed a mere Sandgrain!