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Easter Echoes.


[Arise, for He is risen to-day]

Arise, for He is risen to-day,
And shine, for He is glorified;
Put on thy beautiful array,
And keep perpetual Easter-tide.

[The white flowers, freed]

The white flowers, freed
From snowy sepulchres, may speak
In angel-tone to thee,—
‘Oh, fear not ye!
The Saviour whom ye seek
Is risen indeed!’

[In the likeness of His death]

In the likeness of His death
We were planted,
Therefore, by His Spirit's breath
Resurrection-life is granted;—
Resurrection beauty glowing,
Resurrection power outflowing,
Resurrection gladness cheering,
Resurrection glory nearing.


[‘Shall rise again!’]

Shall rise again!’
His word shall be
Enough for thee,
O mourning heart, so full of pain!
Yet see
The promise sealed.
By loveliest miracles. Each wakening flower
Of fell or field,
Is fair new proof of resurrection power.

[Far on the mountain height]

Far on the mountain height
They grew;
Each vivid tint
A new
And fair imprint
Of the once piercèd Feet,
A token sweet
(Sent very tenderly),
That Jesus lives and loves and cares for me.

[Oh, let me know]

Oh, let me know
The power of Thy resurrection!
Oh, let me show
Thy risen life in clear reflection!
Oh, let me soar
Where Thou, my Saviour Christ, art gone before!
In mind and heart
Let me dwell always, only, where Thou art.