University of Virginia Library

Frederick J. Kimball Elected President

Mr. Henry Fink, who served as President of the
Company from October, 1896, having expressed a
desire to be relieved of the exacting duties of his position,
was, on March 5th, 1902, elected chairman of
the board of directors, and Mr. Frederick J. Kimball
at the same time retiring from that position and being
elected President to succeed Mr. Fink.

Mr. L. E. Johnson was appointed Vice President in
addition to his duties as general manager.

During the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1903, the
"Hillsboro Short Line" was built in continuation of
the Cincinnati, Portsmouth & Virginia Railroad, which
latter line was operated from July 1st, 1902, under a
lease of ninety-nine years.

Work also progressed satisfactorily on the Kenova
& Big Sandy Railroad and Naugatuck Branch, also
on the Tug Fork Branch, the Iaeger & Southern Railway,
the North Carolina Extension, and the Widemouth
Branch from Bluestone through the lands of
the Pocahontas Coal and Coke Company.

The Company was authorized by the meeting of
the shareholders to acquire by purchase, control or
merger the lines of railroad, property, and franchises
of the Iaeger & Southern Railway Company, the
Kenova & Big Sandy Railroad Company and the Guyandot
& Tug River Railroad Company, or either of

A large amount of work was authorized during the
year, and placed under contract for branches, second
track, improvement and alignment of grades, sidings,
enlargement of yards, and other important betterments
and improvements.