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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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Put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.”— 1 St. Pet. iii. 18.

And thou, my brother
Far away, but near
In sorrow, yet art greater than thy thought
And vastest vistas of all faith and fear;
For at thy side Another
Moves, unsought.
Death, though it narrow life and strangely dim it,
Still ever was a door and not a limit
Unto the spirit as it outward speeds;
And they that pass
Like shadows on the grass,
Yet thus alone can rise to grander creeds.
Can ought be squandered,
In the scheme of things?
Nay, at the soul of Suffering lies a bond
Binding to God the heart's most tender strings;
They find, who most have wandered,
Peace beyond.
For present life is only in the making,
And needs the blessèd blow or kindly shaking
To wring the fragrance from it through each stripe;
And out of pain
To reach a heaven of gain
Somewhere, at length, in revelation ripe.