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A choice of emblemes, and other devises

For the moste part gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And divers newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable: Wherein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies: Bicause herein, by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment

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Strenuorum immortale nomen.


Strenuorum immortale nomen.

To the honorable Gentleman, Sir William Rvssell Knight.
Achilles tombe vpon Sigæa shore,
This representes: where Thetis ofte was seene:
And for his losse, did seeme for to deplore,
With gallant flower the same was alwaies greene:
And at the toppe, a palme did freshelie bloome;
Whose braunches sweete did ouerspread the toombe.
Which shewes, thoughe deathe the valiaunt ouerthrowe,
Yet after fate, their fame remaines behinde:
And triumphes still, and dothe no conquest knowe,
But is the badge of euerie noble minde:
And when in graue their corpes inclosed lye,
Their famous actes doe pierce the azure skye.
Nunquam Stygias fertur ad vinbras
Inclyta virtus: viuite fortes
Nec Lethæos sæua per amnes
Vos fata trahent: sed cum summas
Exiget auras consumpta dies,
Iter ad fuperos gloria pandet.
Sen. Her. Fur. Oet. act. 5.