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An Historical Tragedy

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The Palace.
Sultan, Aphendina, Vizier, Mufti, Bassas, Beglerbegs, and Soldiers, all as in Procession from the Marriage: The Sultan and Aphendina ascend the Throne, the rest range themselves.
This Day be sacred in our Turkish Annals,
Which makes the peerless Aphendina mine.
O! that the World were all at my Dispose,
To make the nobler Off'ring to my Love!
The whole Sex's Worth is Aphendina's Dower,
Which throws at Distance Osman's best Returns.

You rate, most mighty Lord! my mean Perfections
At too great Price; I fear my future Merit,
At best, should sink beneath your Highness's Standard.


Next to being perfect, is to aim to be so;
Which lying within my Pow'r, shall not be wanting.

Most mighty Lord! accept my Gratitude,
For this excessive Honour done my Daughter,
And me in her—My Duty's to exhort you,
To be attentive to your proper Glory;
Let not th'Affection which you bear your Bride,
Bias your Justice, or your Clemency,
But let your Love for Virtue still preside.
—And you, my Daughter late, but now my Empress,
Maintain by Virtue, what Virtue has atchiev'd;
Give faithful Council, be affectionate;
In Duty as in Rank, excel all others;
Nor influence your Lord to aught unjust:
Long may ye both enjoy a prosp'rous Reign.

Invincible Emperor! most mighty Osman!
Permit your Slave, i'th'Name of all the States,
Beglerbegs, Bassas, and the many Millions
Of humblest Servants to our Royal Master,
To testify their Joy at this Solemnity.
—What Blessings may we not assure ourselves,
Will issue from a Conduct so refin'd!


Our former Emp'rors, despotick Ravagers!
Preying on Beauty with resistless Will,
Have glory'd in a Latitude of Action;
While you, great Sir! their Junior far in Years,
Descending from the Monarch to the Man,
Have taken to your Arms one beauteous Bride,
Relinquishing the Sex for her alone:
May your Descendants multiply to Thousands!
Truly inheriting your Qualities;
And may the Ott'man State ne'er want a Prince,
Of your illustrious Line to grace the Throne.

Next to my Joys conceiv'd for Aphendina,
Your warm Affection fills my royal Breast.
I chose to solemnize these Rites in publick,
To shew, that I contemn not Laws in general,
But those which have not Reason for their Basis,
And that I mean to square my future Actions
By that equal Rule—This ye shall not fail
To find in Osman, while he sways the Sceptre.
Princes should act as gracious Heav'n design'd,
And deal out Happiness to all Mankind;
Born for the Publick Weal, their Aim should be,
To constitute their Subjects great and free.
