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Upon the Chorus.

North west wind] Corus in the Latin: a wind usual in the Sicilian Seas, which drives the waters on the Italian Coasts.

Phryxus for Helles drowning raves When that the golden fleeced Ram] Phryxus and Helle were the Children of Athamas King of Thebes and Nepheles: their Mother being dead, and Athamas having espoused Ino, she playing the usual pranks of a Step-mother, they were forc'd to fly, and taking a golden fleeced Ram which was given them by their Father, they adventured to swim over the narrow Freet between Europe and Asia upon his back; but Helle falling off, was drown'd, and so Christn'd those Waters with her name, which has ever since been called Hellespont. But Phryxus gaining safe to the shore, fled to the Father of Medea, to whom he gave this golden fleeced Ram, which occasioned the adventure of Jason and the Argonautes to fetch this Fleece, which they called Phryxeus from Phryxus.

Deucalion and Pyrrha] This Ogygian deluge hapned


a Thousand and five hundred yeers before the building of Rome, and overflowed a great part of Greece, Of which the Poets speak so large, that some have thought it that of Noah, when the whole world was submerg'd.

Ida High] Ida is a high Hill by Troy, the South part of which maketh a Promontory, and runneth into the Sea. In this place it was that Paris gave sentence for Venus. Of which before.