University of Virginia Library

SCENE the First.

Till good Tenantius, and the rest return,
I have been led by solitary care
To yon dark branches, spreading o'er the brook,
Which murmurs through the camp; this mighty camp,
Where once two hundred thousand sons of war
With restless dins awak'd the midnight hour.
Now horrid stillness in the vacant tents
Sits undisturb'd; and these incessant rills,
Whose pebbled channel breaks their shallow stream,
Fill with their melancholly sound my ears,
As if I wander'd, like a lonely hind,
O'er some dead fallow far from all resort:
Unless that ever and anon a groan
Bursts from a soldier, pillow'd on his shield
In torment, or expiring with his wounds,
And turns my fix'd attention into horrour.
Venusia comes—The hideous scene around me


Now prompts the hard, but necessary duty—
Yet how to name thee, death, without thy terrours!