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A Masque

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Eltruda, Attendant, Emma.
O mighty queen,
They come, the murderers come. Protect us, heaven,
Our husbands, and our infants, from their rage.
Without thine aid we perish.

O my soul!
Why what a sight is this? A tyrant's eye


Might melt with pity o'er it. Thou supreme,
All-ruling arbiter of human fate!
Whose universal family is nature,
On Alfred, on his children, on his people,
Look down with mercy—for their cause is thine,
And now, even now, deciding!

Hermit, Eltruda, and others.
Glorious princess!
This is indeed to reign. Comfort, great queen:
It comes, it comes! the promis'd scene discloses!
I see the Danish raven droop his wing;
See England's genius soar again to heaven,
And better days in white succession roll,
Without a cloud between!

The clouds break away; and on the edge of a rock, in full view, a spirit is seen amidst a blaze of light, who sings the following


From those eternal regions bright,
Where suns that never set in night,
Diffuse the golden day;
Where spring, unfading, pours around,
O'er all the dew-impearled ground,
Her thousand colors gay;
The messenger of heaven's high King,
I come; and happy tidings bring,
To chear this drooping isle:
Behold her cruel foes are fled!
Behold fair freedom lifts the head,
And all his children smile!
The dawn, that now unveils her skies,
See England's future glory rise:
A better age is born!
Then, let each voice of sprightly strain,
Around from warbling hill and plain,
Hail this triumphant morn!
Grand Chorus.
Then let each voice of sprightly strain,
Around from warbling hill and plain,
Hail this triumphant morn!