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Coriolanus. Tullus.
I plainly, Tullus, by your Looks discern
You disapprove my Conduct.

Caius Marcius,
I mean not to assail thee with the Clamour
Of loud Reproaches, and the War of Words;
But, Pride apart, and all that can pervert
The Light of steady Reason, here to make
A candid fair Proposal

Speak. I hear thee.

I need not tell thee, that I have perform'd
My utmost Promise. Thou hast been protected;
Hast had thy amplest, most ambitious Wish:
Thy wounded Pride is heal'd, thy dear Revenge
Completely sated; and, to crown thy Fortune,
At the same time, thy Peace with Rome restor'd.
Thou art no more a Volscian, but a Roman.
Return, return; thy Duty calls upon thee,
Still to protect the City thou hast sav'd:
It still may be in Danger from our Arms.

Insolent Man! Is this thy fair Proposal?

Be patient—Hear me speak—I have already


From Rome protected thee; now from the Volsci,
From their just Vengeance, I will still protect Thee.
Retire. I will take care thou may'st with Safety.

With Safety!—Heav'ns!—And think'st thou Coriolanus.
Will stoop to thee for Safety? No! my Safeguard
Is in myself, a Bosom void of Blame,
And the Great Gods, Protectors of the Just.—
O 'tis an Act of Cowardice and Baseness,
To seize the very Time my Hands are fetter'd,
By the strong Chain of former Obligations,
The safe sure Moment to insult me.—Gods!
Were I now free, as on that Day I was,
When at Corioli I tam'd thy Pride,
This had not been.

Thou speak'st the Truth: It had not.
O for that Time again! Propitious Gods,
If you will bless me, grant it!—Know, for That,
For that dear Purpose, I have now propos'd
Thou should'st return. I pray thee, Marcius, do it!
And we shall meet again on nobler Terms.

When to the Volsci I have clear'd my Faith,
Doubt not I shall find Means to meet thee nobly.
We then our generous Quarrel may decide
In the bright Front of some embattel'd Field,
And not in private Brawls, like fierce Barbarians.

Thou canst not hope Acquittal from the Volsci.—

I do:—Nay more, expect their Approbation,
Their Thanks! I will obtain them such a Peace
As thou durst never ask; a perfect Union
Of their whole Nation with imperial Rome


In all her Privileges, all her Rights.
By the just Gods, I will! What would'st thou more?

What would I more! Proud Roman; This I would;
Fire the curst Forest where these Roman Wolves
Haunt and infest their nobler Neighbours round them;
Extirpate from the Bosom of this Land,
A false perfidious People, who, beneath
The Mask of Freedom, are a Combination
Against the Liberty of Human-kind,
The genuine Seed of Outlaws and of Robbers.

The Seed of Gods!—'Tis not for thee, vain Boaster!
'Tis not for such as Thou, so often spar'd
By her victorious Sword, to talk of Rome,
But with Respect and awful Veneration.
Whate'er her Blots, whate'er her giddy Factions,
There is more Virtue in one single Year
Of Roman Story, than your Volscian Annals
Can boast thro' all your creeping dark Duration!

I thank thy Rage. This full displays the Traitor.

Ha! Traitor!

First, to thy own Country, Traitor!
And Traitor, now, to mine!

Ye heavenly Powers!
I shall break loose—My Rage—But let us part—
Lest my rash Hand should do a hasty Deed
My cooler Thought forbids.

To head the Roman Troops. I grant thee Quittance


Full and complete of all those Obligations
Thou hast so oft insultingly complain'd
Fetter'd thy Hands. They now are free. I court
The worst thy Sword can do; whilst thou from me
Hast nothing to expect, but sore Destruction.
Quit then this hostile Camp. Once more I tell thee,
Thou art not here one single Hour in Safety.

Think'st thou to fright me hence?

Thou wilt not then?
Thou wilt not take the Safety which I offer?

Till I have clear'd my Honour in your Council,
And prov'd before them all, to thy Confusion,
The Falshood of thy Charge; as soon in Battle
I would before thee fly, and howl for Mercy,
As quit the Station they have here assign'd me.

Volusius! Hoa!