University of Virginia Library


Now triumph, Godrick; now abet my Ruin;
And take the just Reward your Treason claims.


But I must moderate this Gust of Rage;
Thy Hand, Eliza, does not take his Life;
No; that's a Work the Hangman shall perform.
Hold: let me see.—I'll hie to Felix now,
And artful on his Mind distil Distrust
Of Godrick's guilty Passion for his Daughter.
Then, I'll apprise him of her fond inclining
To favour Albert, whom so much he hates,
And hint a Jealousy betwixt the Friends;
That when my Sword has eas'd young Albert's Heart,
The Guilt may rest on busy Godrick's Head:
And I'll take care concurring Circumstances
Shall link the Accusation fast upon him.
O glorious Scene of Mischief and Revenge!
And worthy well the bold Projector's Mind.
Now, Ariana, spite of all your Arts,
And all your Hatred, you may still be mine:
You may, you must, you shall! for Life, without
Possessing thee, is worse than Death it self.
No: all my Slaughters must not be in vain:
I will be happy; touch my glorious Goal;
And hail beyond a vast Expanse of Bliss.
Thro' Storms and Tempests so the Sailor drives,
Whilst ev'ry Element in Combat strives:
Loud roars the Thunder, fierce the light'ning flies!
Winds wildly rage! and billows lave the Skies!
Safe thro' the War her Course the Vessel steers;
The Haven gain'd, the Pilot drops his Fears:
Thence, smiling, he to smoother Scenes looks on,
And thinks no more of Dangers past and gone.