University of Virginia Library


Desirous of that holy state,
Though martyrdom were sure,—
Just, holy, sober, temperate,
Unblameable, and pure,
Not giv'n to wine, nor lucre's love,
No brawler, patient, good,
His Church's guide to bliss above,
The ancient Bishop stood.
He wore no mitre, fill'd no throne,
Nor dared be call'd My Lord,
The Gospel was his praise alone,
His joy to preach the Word:
All seasons were alike to him
For teaching, prayer, or praise;
Like Heav'n's unslumbering Cherubim
He served the Lord always!
Not for mere learning, void of grace,
Nor tutoring some young duke,
Nor through hot canvass in high place,
His bishopric he took;


His Christian children's strictest search
No blemish could detect,—
And so they chose him for the Church—
Their Bishop, God's elect!
His priests and deacons, brethren dear,
His home accounted theirs,
And full it was of hearty cheer,
But no palatial airs;
Of gentle mien, and temper sweet,
And kind in word and deed,
He humbly wash'd the poor saints' feet
And fed the souls in need.
No striker,—controversial brawls
Were all to him unknown;
His politics were simply Paul's,
The Altar and the Throne;
Electioneering pamphleteers,
And bold debating men,
Or smooth-tongued speakers for the Peers,
Were never bishops then.
And for the works that crown'd a life
With such high post of praise,
They were not points of party strife,
Nor editing Greek plays,—
Paul's Bishop was a man of peace,
Who loved Jerusalem,
Cared for his flock,—but not their fleece,
And sought not theirs,—but them!