University of Virginia Library


God bless you, Brave One, in our dearth,
Your life shall leave a trailing glory;
And round the poor Man's homely hearth
We proudly tell your suffering's story.
All Saviour-souls have sacrificed,
With nought but noble faith for guerdon;
And ere the world hath crown'd the Christ,
The man to death hath borne the burden!
The Savage broke the glass that brought
The heavens nearer, saith the legend!
Even so the Bigots welcome aught
That makes our vision starrier-region'd!


They lay their Corner-stones in dark
Deep waters, who up-build in beauty,
On Earth's old heart, their Triumph-Arc
That crowns with glory lives of duty.
And meekly still the Martyrs go
To keep with Pain their solemn bridal!
And still they walk the fire who bow
Not down to worship Custom's idol.
In fieriest forge of martyrdom,
Their swords of soul must weld and brighten:
Tear-bathed, from fiercest furnace, come
Their lives, heroic-temper'd—Titan!
And heart-strings sweetest music make
When swept by Suffering's fiery fingers!
And thro' soul-shadows starriest break
The glories on God's brave light-bringers.
Take heart! tho' sown in tears and blood,
No seed that's quick with love, hath perisht,
Tho' dropt in barren byeways—God
Some glorious flower of life hath cherisht.
Take heart; the rude dust dark To-day,
Soars a new-lighted sphere To-morrow!
And wings of splendour burst the clay
That clasps us in Death's fruitful furrow.