University of Virginia Library




Died on February 4th, 1990, aged 79.

A world of noble effort—noble aims
Seen clearly, wisely follow'd, well achieved,—
Such was her life; and over all its aims
And all its efforts, the sweet sovereign grace
Of lofty Womanhood presided still,
And kept her subjects loyal: for indeed
All were her subjects; and she ruled by love.
She ruled by love; though such an intellect—
Strong as a man's, yet feminine and fair—
Might well have claim'd allegiance; and it did:
It claim'd it, but it claim'd it through her heart.
That was her secret, that was her success;
And those poor women of the villagers
Whose wreath, the only wreath she cared to have,


Lay single on her coffin, they knew well
Why they had loved her. What had they to do
With her high lineage, with the social power
Welcomed so widely, and revered so long?
Or what to them the thousand memories
Of a great past, which she alone could tell
And tell so vividly? Such glowing traits
Of her majestic presence are withdrawn,
Alas, for ever; yet, they were but traits,
And she herself shall never be withdrawn:
She lives, so long as England has a name
For Woman's virtues, or for Woman's fame.