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Yesterday, or a year ago,
I heard the arid East wind blow;
There was no joy in flower or tree,
No bird's song came to comfort me,
No shade was in the blinding sky,
The parched grass shivered audibly,
The West at evening held no star;
Even mine angel seemed far;
There was no freshness in the morn,
I rose forlorn and slept forlorn.
Yesterday, or a year ago,
My heart went fasting after feast,
With the wind in the East.
This eve or any eve at all
The blue South wind is musical.
Through my low garden gate I see
The Western glories facing me,
God's flower of fire that grows not cold.
My lilac's black against the gold,
The splendour of light unspeakable;
Yea, and my blackbird singeth well;


The dewy garden's drenched with scent,
My soul hath measureless content
This eve or any eve at all;
Thanksgiving in my heart and mouth,
With the wind in the South.