University of Virginia Library



I was sitting and was wondering
What was business ever for,
When there came a rush of petticoats
With a flutter to the door.
And a lady entered, flying
In a way to make you grin
(There were steps she did not notice,
For the doorway opens in).
She stopped against the stove-pipe
With a disconcerted air,
And panted, and I asked her
Had she not observed the stair?
And did she come on business?
Or would she like a bun?
And she, at first, said nothing
For business she had done.


Then, speaking very rapidly,
She answered, ‘No, indeed!
I have, in fact, no business,
But I lately chanced to read
‘In the P.M.G. a poem,
And they tell me—am I right?—
You are the gifted author,
And so I thought I might
‘I mean, you know, that seeing
Your name upon the door,
You would excuse my asking
Have you written any more?’
Then I rose, and thundered, ‘Madam!’
And said sternly, ‘God forbid!
You are under some delusion, Madam,
Vanish!’ and she did.
And still I sit a-wondering
What was business ever for;
And I sigh for lady visitors,
But they come not any more.