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Poems: Second Series

by Edmond G. A. Holmes

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Come once again out of the depths of night,
Out of the darkness that is all too bright
For eyes that need the glare of earthly light.
Look once again, O eyes of purest blue,
Deep into mine—alas! that never knew
In bygone days what beauty shone in you.
O calm and silent eyes, yet once again
Ye look on me, and I look back in vain:
That baffling stillness—is it love or pain?
Or love reproaching me that mine is cold?
Ah! never so: the love that burned of old
Burns all the more because it burns untold.
Nay, doubt me not: a thousand cares beset:
New joys, new sorrows tempt me to forget:
But thou, my dearest! art remembered yet.
My brother! my lost brother! who can say
How far from sight beneath life's surface play,
Live wounds of anguish that no tears betray?


Thou knowest at least that only when my woe
Grew part of me, and sank from sight below
Into my life—my tears forbore to flow.
Thou knowest, O love, how often while I fare
Through dark and stony paths—in my despair
I seek thine arm—and lean—on empty air.
Aye even now thy dear imagined eyes
Speak from the darkness, and thy heart replies
To these my passionate and wayward cries.
“Lean on me still: God gave, in taking me,
His precious gifts of Hope and Memory:
Be strong in these, and I am near to thee.”