University of Virginia Library



Great Sage, whose wand at one commanding stroke
Each antique pile of Elfin fabric broke,
From midnight Spectres purg'd the Sorcerer's cell,
And burst stern Chivalry's fantastic spell,
Tho' on thy toil applauding Truth has smil'd,
And Reason hails thee as her favorite Child,
Romantic Fancy still, that lov'd to roam
Thro' the drear desert, and enchanted dome,
To view the perils of adventurous Knight
In stately tournament, or hardy fight,
To hear of Giants gorg'd with human blood,
Of Dragons lurking in the charmed wood,
Of Paynim-Foes in sable steel array'd,
The Dwarf attendant, and the Warriour-Maid,
Of herbs unblest that drug the witching bowl,
And talismans that earth and air controul,


Of chrystal globes which future fates unfold,
And amber streams that roll o'er sands of gold,
Of fragrant isles which diamond rocks surround,
Of wailing Ghosts in iron durance bound,
Of fiery walls to Demon-Guards assign'd,
Of laboring Fiends to hollow mines confin'd,
Of warning voices sent from opening graves,
Of gaudy pageants seen in twilight caves,
Of viewless harps that breathe from airy bowers,
Of golden bridges rais'd by Goblin-Powers,
Of winged steeds thro' fields of air that soar,
And magic barks that speed from shore to shore;
Fancy, that erst on dreams like these repos'd,
Unwilling sees the Fairy Vision clos'd;
Sighs, while dissolving fades the wondrous show,
To see bright Fiction's robe no longer glow;
And weeping blames the ruthless hand that tore
The mystic veil by Genius weav'd of yore.