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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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To a Beautiful LADY playing on the ORGAN.
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To a Beautiful LADY playing on the ORGAN.

When fam'd Cæcilia on the Organ play'd,
And fill'd with moving Sounds the tuneful Frame,
Drawn by the Charm, to hear the Sacred Maid,
From Heav'n, 'tis said, a listning Angel came.
Thus Antient Legends wou'd our Faith abuse;
In vain—for were the bold Tradition true,
While your harmonious Touch that Charm renews,
Again the Seraph wou'd appear to You.
O Happy Fair! in whom with purest Light
Virtue's united Beams with Beauty's shine!
Shou'd Heav'nly Guests descend to bless our Sight,
What Form more Lovely cou'd they wear than thine?