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[XXIV. Psalterium b. Mariae, ascribed to Thomas Aquinas, comprising the 50 first psalms.]

Heil Mayde cheef of alle,
Þorw whom þe blessed Mon
Of þe born was In a stalle,
Vs wrecches so visyte con:
Modur, þorw þi worþinesse
He mote vs so releue,
Þat of vre gret wrecchednesse
Þe gult no more vs greue.
Heil Modur In Mariage
Of crist vr lord Ihesu,
Of whom is flit þe heritage
Til vs of gret vertu:
Þat us from hit not twinne
Vre synnes þat we knowe,
Help, ladi wiþ wynne,
Whon wraþþe schal brenne and lowe.
Heil of whom þe sone so dere
ffrom slep of deþes stour
In bodi and soule boþe ifere
He ros wiþ gret honour.


His deþ we worschipe nou i-wis,
Vre deþ for hit con struye;
Such lyf he graunte vs
Þat deþ no more vs nuyȝe.
Heil of Crist þe chaumber derne,
Wher-of whon he out ede,
Þe vois of hem þat called ȝerne
He herde wiþ ful gret spede:
Til him-self he so vs Merke,
And schilde vs also,
Þat þorw his lyht from þe derke
To-gedere mote we go.
Heil þe temple of vre feiþ,
Hous of holynesse,
And þe logge, as dauid seiþ,
I-mad of gret hihnesse:
Wiþ his scheld vs schilde mote he
Of his owne good wille,
Wiþ hem vs coroune in his cuntre
Þat blesset ben, from ille.
Heil Modur ful of grace,
Þi grace may I not leyne;
To repentaunt þou getest space,
Of Merci þou art þe veyne:
Of alle þe bondes of vre synne
Vn-bynd vs, from vr peyne,
To þe blisse þat þou art Inne
So mote we atteyne.


Heil þorw whom partiner
God is of vre chaunce,
Þat Iuge is rihtwys fer and ner
And vs may wel a-vaunce:
He mote vs torne and calle a-ȝeyn
ffrom þe ȝate of helle,
ffrom Bouwe and swerd, þat, as men seyn,
Of deþ ben deop vesselle.
Heil bi whom, to þe ffader euene,
Crist hym-self maad lesse
Þen þe Angeles þat ben in heuene,
Til vs hym-self con dresse;
And ȝit þe fader put alle þinge
In his sones pouweere,
Whon he schewed his heryinge
Bi hem þat soukynge were.
Heil of syon douhter briht,
Of whom wiþ gret honour
Þe lawe-ȝiuere til vs was diht,
Þe holy sauiour:
Vre enemy mot he al to-drawe,
Þat stronge werreour,
Of God and Mon þat is bi lawe
A skilful Mediatour.


Heil þou hul of Rihtwysnesse,
To whom þe wey is caste,
Vre hope in cristes holynesse
Stabliche to faste;
In þi wombe whon he wolde dwelle,
He schewede ful gret loue;
Þe holy temple men miht hit telle
And heuene of God a-boue.
Heil vnknowen to Monnes moon,
Mayden wiþ-outen make;
Whon þe Angel þe grete con,
Vre hele bi-gon to wake:
Þin help and þi swete socour,
Þat we han ofte bi-souht,
Þou graunte, þat in þe sees stour
Þe holy ne fayle nouht.
Heil bi whom þe lord of grace
Vs haþ not for-ȝeten
Ne tornd a-wey his feire face
ffrom vs, neor not forleten:
Myn Eȝe beo cler, þat hit not wepe,
Of my soule so briht,
And neuer-more mote hit slepe
To deþ forte be diht.
Heil whom þei preisen hollich
Alle þat I con nemene,
ffor þou art douwet richelich
Wiþ þe liht of heuene:


Vre þouht to þe beo torned so
Þat hit may fele and saye
Þat wrecchednesse from folk is gon
And torned al a-waye.
Heil, þi sone of gret Miracle
Is hul of holy hope,
Of reste he is vr tabernacle,
To schilde vs from reyn-drope:
Do, ladi, þorw þi rihtwysnesse
In him þat we mowe reste
As heyres of his blisfulnesse—
Þat wol be vr beste.
Heil þorw whom to gret vauntage
Crist wolde vs restore,
To hope of vre heritage
Þat was from vs forlore;
ffor he was mad þe offringe
ffor vre synnes fele,
And part was of vre suffrynge,
Part til vs to dele (!).
Heil, wiþ-oute pomp or bost
Þi wombe whon crist com Inne,
Wiþ fuir of þe holigost
Assayet þin herte wiþ gynne,
And þat þou schuldest his Moder beo
fful worþi he þe fonde:
Þorw þe he mote vs al bi-seo
Þat visited vs so in londe.


He[i]l to whom þi sone, þe beste,
Heuene bouwed doun lowe,
Whon þe vertu of aller-hexte
Bi-schadewed þe al, I trowe:
In to heuene he mot vp lifte
Vs þat were for-lore,
Þat him-self so wolde schifte
Among þat in eorþe weor bore.
Heil whos wombe þe sauiour,
Kyng of alle, we Rede,
As a Brid out of his bour
Crist him-self out eode,
As þe sonne in Morwtyd grey
Ȝeode out of his tente,
To dresse vs in to Rihte wey,
Þat we be not forschente.
Heil, þat help from holi place
Þou sendest to Monkynde,
Whon þou holy bi godus grace
Conceyuedest in þi Mynde
Him þat was most holy,
Þat is vr sauyour,
In ffeiþ Conceyuedest verreyli
And bar hym wiþ honour.


Heil vre gostly hele,
And cause of al vre bliss,
Þat bar þe kyng of wele
Of al þis world I-wis.
Whon þe hed is crouned feire,
Alle þe limes ben fayne—
Of heore worschip þat neuer schal peire,
Þar vs neuer-more playne.
Heil from whom God almiht
Went forþ verrey Mon,
Peyne for vs and gret dispyt
He soffred mony on,
ffor vre woundes delfuly
Woundet was he sore,
His Blood vre gultes clanly
Wusch for euer-more.
Heil whom þe kyng of alle þing
Haþ chose þe to ben his Dame,
And to a folle pasturyng
To his herde wiþ game:
Ȝerde and staf þou art boþe
To hem þat he haþ chose,
And nouȝt hem wante hem-self to loþe,
He ruleþ hem nouȝt to lose.
Heil of blisse þe riche lond,
Þat foundet was bi reson
Bi þe Ioyful kynges hond
Þat to vs com in good seson,


He þat þe prince of deþ
Wiþ his deþ ouer-com
And alle from þe harde Breþ
Of deþ he vs out nam.
Heil þi sone þat is so swete
And rihtful of entent,
Þe Outlawes synnes forte bete
On pilgrimage he went;
Til vs of grace certeyne
Lawe-berer was i-kud:
In vs he mote ordeyne
Vre werkes and þouhtes hud.
Heil þat of vr lord of heuene
Þat Auter vmbiȝede,
In þi wombe þou speredest heuene
Hele of god, vre mede,
Of vre synnes clansyng
Þat haþ ful pouwere;
Þat Bisschop him-self is offring
Of þe holy Autere.
Heil modur of [þat] lord so mylde
Þat lihtned vs alle ful schene,
Þou art moder of þat childe
Þat sauede vs alle bi-dene:
Maide, þorw þi worþinesse
And preyeres þat holy be,
Put hem from þe derknesse
Þat sikyng longen to þe.


Heil! of clene chastite
Þe worschipe nis not luitel,
ffor Modur and mayde þouh þou be,
Worschipful is þat tytel.
Þe mateer of þi swete bodi
Crist, he tok of þe,
And þouh he died delfuly,
Aȝeyn to lyue ros he.
Heil of vre kuynde, ladi,
Worschipe wiþ-outen ende;
Þi sone in to heuene stih,
Þat is so good and hende,
And on his ffader riht syde
Sit for euere and O:
A Moderes lappe þou open wyde
To hem þat ben in wo.
Heil, of whom þe Morwenyng
Ioyful schon and briht,
Þat wiped awey vre wepyng
On Euen and of niht;
Wiþ þe bodi as a Sekke
Þat is i-Maad of here,
Of paradys he opened þe hekke
To hem þat bouht were.


Heil þou kynges feir Cite,
Walled wel a-boute,
Wiþ angeles þat in heuene be
I-kept, wiþ mony a route;
Wiþ riche stones wonderly
Of vertues þou art by-set:
Vre Ioye in þe sikerly
And vre hope ben met.
Heil to whom no-maner synne
Vre lord a-rette con,
Þat ȝaf a burþe of blisse wiþ-inne,
Þe ffruit of Blod and bon;
Herte wiþ-Inne nor bodi wiþ-oute
Of ffulþe hedde no dispit:
Þe woful þornes vs aboute
Þow bruse of foul delyt.
Heil whos soule worþily
In god is fully preysed,
In Blessynde god ful hihly
Þorw whom þou art vp-reiset:
Blesse alle þyne, Maiden dere,
Þi-self also be Blesset,
Þorw whom blessyng is preched here
And from vs not lesset.
Heil of whom he wolde be bore,
Þe kyng of alle vertuwe,
And wlated nouȝt to touche þerfore
Vr fflesch of Cleyȝes huwe;


Þer-of he made him-self a scheld
Priueliche to dare,
fforte rescouwe in þe feld
Mon of help ful bare.
Heil þou hous bi niht and day,
Þou art of gret plente,
And þe Brok þat rennes ay
fful of likerouste:
Þou fulle vs alle of þat welle
fful of Charite,
Þat vr hertes mouwe euer dwelle
In Brihtnesse wiþ þe.
Heil of wymmen mylde most,
Þat noldest no luþurnesse,
Nor haddest in no luþur gost
Loue nor swetnesse,
But in vr lord þe lyked wel,
And euer-more þou schal:
Þerof þou graunte vs sum del,
To fullen vs þer-wiþ-al.
Heil Moder of þe newe gyse
Þat bar þe swete childe:
Whon he comeþ, þat hiȝe Iustise,
ffrom his wraþþe vs schilde,
Þat we fele not þat harde snibbyng
Þat mony mon schal drede,
But of þe lyf euer-lastyng
Mote we han vr mede.


Heil whom of þe holigost
Þe schadewe haþ vmbicast,
Of þi flesch, as wel þou wost,
Þi sones flesch made in hast;
Whon he vr kuynde in þat manere
Tok to his felawe,
To his Blisse þat is so dere
On heiȝ he con vs drawe.
Heil þorw whom to þe blynde
Liht schon ful feire,
Þat Eue, Modur of vre kynde,
Wiþ tast of deþ con peire:
Out of þe Slouh of wrecchednesse
And of þe dregge of cleye
To lede vs to þi worþinesse,
Þyn holi preyere seye.
He[i]l blesset beo þi mood,
Þorw whom God bi-held
And on þe pore he vnderstod,
In toune and in feld;
Vre neode nolde he dispise,
Þouh he were riche i-nouh,
But in mony a wyse
His Richesse to vs drouh.


Heil whom þe welle of bliss
Wolde fulle ful of wele,
So þat þou weore Maad, i-wis,
Þe welle of verrey hele:
Vr þouhtes and vre ȝernynge,
Ladi, þou so bi-holde
Þat of þe welles springe
We mouwe beo glad and bolde.
Heil whom God specialy
ffrom oþere wolde twynne,
Whom he þi bodi priuely
Wolde reste wiþ-Inne.
Þe cause of Obligacion
Þat vs to helle bond,
He brac wiþ gret fuson
Of his riht hond.
Heil of whom þe holi gutte
Crist haþ forþ sende,
Bi whom þei ben vndurputte
Þat vs ȝerne wolde schende:
Saue vs alle in his miht,
Þat þei han ofte feled
Þat wiþ-stonden aȝeyn þe riht
Þe hond þat haþ hem greued.
Heil þat stondest neuer loþ
On riht half of vr lord;
Whom sondernesse vmbigoþ
Of vertuwes in a-Cord:


Bi-hold, þou douhter of þe kyng,
And bouwe doun Ere þyne,
Þe ffruit of þe spryngynge
Beo vre Medicyne.
Heil þou tente for þe schour
And for þe hete of Sonne,
Whom god com in to þi bour,
Wiþ þe for to wonne;
ffrom þe to vs in gret plente
Þe water ron a-flod
Þat gladed al þe grete Cite—
Wher-of we mowe þink good.
Heil þorw whom wiþ-oute blame
God dounward wolde beende,
In þe loue of his name
Vre hertes forto teende;
Of vre kuynde for he part hadde,
Whon he steih vp in to Blis,
Þe rihte wey he vs ladde—
We hopen þider, i-wis.
Heil þat art so gret ladi
And gretlych artou preised,
Cite of þe kyng þat [sit] on hih,
Hul Syon vp-reised;
Deserued þou hast gret Richesses
Þat gostly ben, i trouwe:
fflette us from þe wrecchednesses
Þat we dwellen in so lowe.


Heil þorw whom, þat was boren
Mon to gret vnreste,
To þe worschipe þat he hedde lore
Whon he was lik a Beeste,
God restored hym a-ȝeyn
And set Monkynde aboue
Þe hexte Angeles, as we seyn—
Þerfore we schulde him loue.
Heil Modur most worþi
To God þat schulde be bore,
Of þe tok þe swete bodi
Þat pyned was so sore;
Þorw þat peyne he clensed vs so,
Þat wiþ herte schene
Sikerly we mou go
Aȝeyn vr Iugge bi-dene.
Heil, of vs þou haue merci,
Of Merci we þe prey,
ffor Moder þou art witerly
Of Merci, as we seye.
Þou hast merci of hem alle
Þat wiþ deuocioun
And wiþ preisyng on þe calle,
Þou herest heore Orisoun.