University of Virginia Library

And can the gods themselues (said he) contriue
Away for hope? Can my past ioyes reuiue,
Like this rekindled fier? If they doe,
I'le curse my lips (bright Lamp) for cursing you.
Eternall Fates! Deale fairely; dally not:
If your hid bounties haue reseru'd a lot
Beyond my wained hopes, be it exprest
In open view; make haste; and doe your best:
But if your Iustice be determin'd so,
To exercise your vengeance on my woe,
Strengthen not what at length you meane to burst;
Strike home betimes; dispatch; and doe your worst:
That burthen is too great for him to beare,
That's eauenly poised betwixt hope and feare.