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Ayres and dialogues

For One, Two, and Three Voyces. By Henry Lawes ... The First Booke

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Beauties Eclyps'd.
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Beauties Eclyps'd.

Ladies who gild the glitt'ring Noon,
and by reflection mend it's Ray,
whose lustre makes the sprightfull Sun
to dance as on an Easter Day:
What are ye? what are ye now the Queen's away?
Couragious Eagles which have whet
Your Eyes upon Majestick light,
And thence deriv'd such martiall heat
As still your Looks maintain'd the fight,
What are ye since the King's good night.
As an obstructed Fountain's head
Cut's the Intaile off from the streams,
All Brooks are Disinherited,
Honour and Beauty are but Dreams,
Since Charles & Mary lost their Beams.