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XXIII. Yee restles cares

Yee restles cares, companions of the night

Yee restles cares, companions of the night, the night, yee restles cares, companions of the night, That wrap my ioyes, my ioyes in foulds of endlesse woes, the wrap my ioyes, in foulds of endlesse woes; Tire on my hart and wound it with your spight, with your spight, Since loue and fortune, since loue and fortune, loue and fortune, loue loue and fortune proues my equall foes, Farewell my hopes, Farewell my happie daies, Welcome sweet griefe, sweet griefe, welcome sweet griefe, the subiect of my layes. Farewell my hopes, Farewell my happie daies, Welcome sweet griefe, sweet griefe, Welcome sweet griefe the subiect of my laies.