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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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XXIX. Vpon the familiarity of Luther, Carolostadius, Zuinglius, Caluin, Beza, & others with the Diuel.


XXIX. Vpon the familiarity of Luther, Carolostadius, Zuinglius, Caluin, Beza, & others with the Diuel.

Some Protestants, as they themselues rehearse,
Haue with the Diuel oft had great commerce.
Luther with Diuels oft did

See herafter XXXIII 20.

lye and

Ib. and of his further familiarity with him, See VI. 2. and IX. 2. and XXXIII. 21. 22. 23. 24.


With Diuels

See before; XXI. throughout.

Car'lostadius oft did talke;


Before in IX. 1.

receaued from the Diuel this faith;

Caluin on Diuels

Herafter in XXXIX. 2.

called at his death;

Beza's preferr'd to be the Diuels

Schlusselberg affirmeth of Beza his Creophagia, that without doubt he writ it against the Testament of the Sonne of God, while the Diuel did dictate it vnto him. Theolo. Calu. lib. 2. art. 1.


And some are ful

Luther sayth (say the Tigurine Diuines) that the Diuel dwelleth both now and euer in the Zuinglians, and that they haue a blasphemous breast, in-Sathanized, super-Sathanized, and per-Sathanized, and that they haue besid's a most vaine mouth ouer which Sathan beareth rule, being infused, perfused, and trāsfused into the same. Tigur. tract. 3. cont. suprem. Luth. confess. p. 61. See also heerafter; XLII. 32.

of Diuels. A Diu'lish Tribe?