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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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[Passus Tercius de Visione.]

Now is Meede þe Mayden I-nomen and no mo of hem alle,
Wiþ Beodeles and Baylyfs I-brouht to þe kyng.
Þe kyng clepet a Cler[ke] (I knowe not his nome),
To take Meede þe Mayden and Maken hire at ese.
“Ichulle assayen hire my-self and soþliche aposen
What Mon in þis world þat hire weore leouest.
And ȝif heo worche be my wit and my wil folewe,
I schal for-ȝiue hire þe gult so me god helpe!”
Corteisliche þe Clerk þo as þe kyng hihte,
Tok þe Mayden bi þe Middel and brouhte hire to chaumbre.
Þer was Murþe and Munstralsye Meede with to plese;
Heo þat woneþ at westmunstre worschipeþ hire alle.
Gentiliche with Ioye þe Iustise soone
Busked him in-to þe Bour þer þe Buyrde was Inne,


Cumfortede hire kuyndely and made hire good chere,
And seide, “Mourne þou not, Meede, ne make þou no serwe,
For we wolen wysen þe kyng and þi wey schapen,
For alle Concience Craft and Casten, as I trouwe,
[Þat þou schalt haue boþe myȝt & maystrye & make what þe likeþ
wiþ þe kynge & þe comyns & þe courte boþe].”
Mildeliche þenne Meede Merciede hem alle
Of heore grete goodnesse and ȝaf hem vchone
Coupes of clene Gold and peces of seluer,
Rynges with Rubyes and Richesses I-nouwe,
[Þe leste man of here mayne a mutoun of gold].
Þenne [lauȝten] þei leue þis lordynges, at Meede.
Wiþ þat þer come Clerkes to Cumforte þe same:
“We biddeþ þe be bliþe for we beoþ þin owne,
Forte worche þi wil while vr lyf dureþ.”
Hendeliche þenne heo be-hihte hem þe same,
To louen hem lelly and lordes to maken,
And in Constorie at Court to tellen heore names.
“Schal no lewednesse hem lette þe lewedeste þat I loue
Þat he ne worþ avaunset; for Icham I-knowe


Þer Cunnynge Clerkes schul Couche be-hynde.”
Þenne com þer a Confessour I-Copet as a Frere;
To Meede þe Mayden ful Mekeliche he loutede,
And seide ful softely in schrift as hit weore,
“Þauh lerede and lewede hedden leyen bi þe alle,
And þauȝ Fals hedde folewed þe þis Fiftene winter,
I schal asoyle þe my-self for a summe of whete,
And eke be þi Baude and Bere wel þin ernde
Among Clerkes and knihtes Concience to falle.”
Þenne Meede For hire misdede to þat Mon knelede,
And schrof hire of hir sunnes schomeliche, I trouwe.
Heo tolde him a tale and tok him a noble,
For to ben hire beode-mon and hire Baude after.
Þene he asoylede hire soone and [siþ] to hire seide,
“We han a wyndow in worching wol stonden vs ful heiȝe:
Woldustow Glase þe Gable and graue þerinne þi nome,
Siker schulde þi soule ben for to dwellen in heuene.”
“Wust I þat,” quod þe wommon “þer nis nouþur Wyndou ne Auter,
Þat I ne schulde maken oþur mende and my nome write,
Þat vche mon schulde seye Ich were suster of house.”


Bote god to alle good folk such grauynge defendet,
And seiþ, Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera.
Lete not þi luft hond late ne raþe,
Beo war what þi riht hond worcheþ or deleþ;
Bote parte hit so priueli þat pruide beo not seȝen
Nouþer in siht, ne in soule for god him-self knoweþ
Ho is Corteis, or kuynde Couetous, or elles.
For-þi I lere ȝou, lordynges such writynge ȝe leue,
To writen in Wyndouwes of ȝoure wel dedes,
Or to greden aftur Godus folk whon ȝe ȝiuen or doles;
Parauenture ȝe han oure hure þerfore here.
For vr saueour hit seiþ and him-seluen precheþ,

Amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam;

[Here forsoþe þei fongen her mede forþ-wiþ].
Meires and Maistres and ȝe þat beoþ mene
Bitwene þe kyng and þe Comuns to kepe þe lawes,
As to punisschen on pillories or on pynnyng stoles
Brewesters, Bakers Bochers and Cookes;
For þeose be Men vppon Molde þat most harm worchen,
To þe pore people þat [percel-mel] buggen.


Þei punisschen þe peple priueliche and ofte,
And recheþ þorw Reg[r]atorie and Rentes hem buggeþ,
With þat þe pore people schulde puten in heore wombe.
For toke þei on trewely þei timbrede not so hye,
Ne bouȝte none Borgages beo ȝe certeyne.
Bote Meede þe Mayden þe Meir heo bi-souȝte,
Of alle suche sullers seluer to taken,
Or presentes withouten pons as peces of seluer,
Rynges with Rubyes þe Regratour to fauere.
“For my loue,” quod þe ladi “loue hem wel vchone
And soffre hem to sulle sumdel aȝeyn Resoun.”
Bote Salamon þe Sage a Sarmoun he made,
To a-Mende Meires and men þat kepeþ þe lawe;
And tolde hem þis teeme þat I wol telle nouþe:

Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera.

Among þis lewede men þis latin Amounteþ,
Þat Fuir schal falle and brenne atte laste
Þe houses and þe homes of hem þat desyreþ
For to haue ȝiftes in ȝouþe or in elde.
[Now beoþ ȝe war, if ȝe wole ȝe maysturs of þe lawe;


for þe soþe schale be souȝte of ȝoure soules so me god helpe,
Þe suffraunce þat ȝe suffre such wrongus to be wrouȝt;
While þe chaunce is in ȝoure choyse cheose ȝe þe best].
Þe king com from Counseyl and cleped aftur Meede,
And of-sente hire a-swiþe Seriauns hire to fette,
And brouȝte hire to boure with Blisse and with Ioye;
[wiþ myrþe & wiþ mynstrasye þei pleseden hir ychoone].
Corteisliche þe kyng Cumseþ to telle,
To Meede þe Mayden [meleþ þeose] Wordes:
“[Unwittily, ywys,] wrouht hastou ofte;
Bote worse wrouhtest þou neuere þen whon þou fals toke.
Ac I forȝiue þe þis gult and graunte þe my grace;
Hennes to þi deþ day do so no more.
Ichaue a kniht hette Concience com late from bi-ȝonde,
Ȝif he wilne þe to wyf wolt þou him haue?”
“Ȝe, lord,” quaþ þat ladi “[Lord] for-beode hit elles!
Bote Ich holde me to oure heste honge me sone!”


Þenne was Concience I-clepet to comen and apeeren
To-fore þe kyng and his Counsel Clerkes and oþure.
Kneolynge Concience to þe kyng loutede,
[to wyte what his wille were & what he do schulde].
“Woltou wedde þis wommon,” quod þe kyng “ȝif I wol assente?
Heo is fayn of þi felawschupe for to beo þi make.”
“Nay,” quaþ Concience to þe kyng “Crist hit me forbeode!
Er Ich wedde such a wyf wo me bi-tyde!
Heo is frele of hire Flesch Fikel of hire tonge;
Heo makeþ men misdo moni score tymes;
In trust of hire tresour teoneþ ful monye.
Wyues and widewes wantounesse heo techeþ,
Lereþ hem lecherie þat loueþ hire ȝiftes;
Vr Fader Adam heo falde wiþ Feire biheste;
Apoysende Popes and peyreþ holy chirche.
Þer nis no beter Baude (bi him þat me made!)
Bitwene heuene and helle In eorþe þauȝ men souhte.
Heo is Tikel of hire Tayl Talewys of hire tonge,
As Comuyn as þe Cart-wei to knaues and to alle;


To Preostes, to Minstrals to Mesels in hegges.
Sisours and Sumpnours suche men hire preisen;
Schirreues of schires weore schent ȝif heo nere.
Heo doþ men leosen heore lond and heore lyues after,
And leteþ passe prisons and payeþ for hem ofte.
Heo ȝeueþ þe Iayler Gold and grotes to-gedere,
To vn-Fetere þe False and fleo where hem lykeþ.
Heo takeþ þe trewe bi þe top and tiȝeþ him faste,
And hongeþ him for hate þat harmede neuere.
Heo þat ben Curset in Constorie counteþ hit not at a Russche;
For heo Copeþ þe Comissarie and Coteþ þe Clerkes;
Heo is asoyled as sone as hire-self lykeþ.
Heo may as muche do In a Mooneþ ones,
As [ȝoure] secre seal In Seuen score dayes.
Heo is priue with þe Pope Prouisours hit knowen;
Sir Simonie and hire-self asselen þe Bulles;
Heo Blessede þe Bisschopes þouȝ þat þei ben lewed.
Prouendreres, persuns Preostes heo meynteneþ,
To holde Lemmons and Lotebyes al heor lyf-dayes,


And bringeþ forþ Barnes aȝeyn forbodene lawes.
Þer heo is wel with þe kyng wo is þe Reame!
For heo is Fauerable to Fals and fouleþ Treuþe ofte.
Barouns and Burgeis heo bringeþ to serwe,
Heo Buggeþ with heore Iuweles; vr Iustises heo schendeþ.
Heo lihþ aȝeyn þe lawe and letteþ so faste,
Þat Feiþ may not han his forþ hir Florins gon so þikke.
Heo ledeþ þe lawe as hire luste and loue-dayes makeþ,
Þe Mase for a Mene mon þauȝ he mote euere.
Lawe is so lordlich and loþ to maken eende,
With-outen presentes or pons heo pleseþ ful fewe.
Clergye an Couetise heo Coupleþ to-gedere.
Þis is þe lyf of þe ladi vr lord ȝif hire serwe!
And alle þat Meynteneþ hire [myschaunce hem bytide]!
For [þe] pore may haue no pouwer to playne, þauȝ hem smerte,
Such a Mayster is Meede A-Mong Men of goode.”
Þenne Mornede Meede and Menede hire to þe kyng
To haue space to speken spede ȝif heo mihte.
Þenne þe kyng graunted hire grace with a good wille:
“Excuse þe, ȝif þou const I con no more seye;
For Concience haþ a-cuiset þe to Congeye for euere.”


“Nay, lord,” quaþ þat ladi “leef him þe worse
Whon ȝe witen witerliche Wher þe wrong lihþ.
Þer Mischef is gret lord Meede may helpe,
And þou knowest, Concience I com not to chyde,
Ne to depraue þi persone with a proud herte.
Wel þou wost, Concience (But ȝif þou wolt lyȝe),
Þow hast honged on my Nekke Enleue tymes;
And eke I-gripen of my gold and ȝiuen þer þe lykede.
Whi þou wraþþest þe now wonder me þinkeþ!
For ȝit I may as I mihte menske þe wiþ ȝiftes,
And Meyntene þi Monhede more þen þou knowest,
And þou hast famed me foule bifore the kyng heere.
For Culde I neuere no kyng ne counseilede þer-after;
Ne dude i neuere as þou dust I do hit on þe kyng!
In Normandie nas he not a-nuyȝed for my sake;
Ac þou þi-self soþliche schomedest him þere,
Creptest in-to a Caban for Colde of þi nayles,
Wendest þat wynter wolde haue last euere,
And dreddest to haue ben ded for a dim Cloude,
And hastedest hamward for hunger of þi wombe!
Withouten pite, pilour! pore Men þou robbedest,


And beere heor bras on þi Bac to Caleys to sulle.
Þer I lafte with my lord his lyf forto saue,
Maade him murþe ful muche Mournynge to lete,
Battede hem on þe Bakkes to bolden heore hertes,
Dude hem hoppe for hope to haue me at wille.
Hedde I be Marchal of his Men (bi Marie of heuene)!
I durste haue I-leid my lyf and no lasse wed,
He hedde beo lord of þat lond in lenkþe and in brede;
And eke kyng of þat cuþþe his cun for to helpe;
Þe leeste barn of his blod a Barouns pere.
Soþliche, þou Concience þou counseildest him þennes,
To leue þat lordschupe for a luitel seluer,
Þat is þe Riccheste reame þat Reyn ouer houeþ!
Hit bicomeþ For a kyng þat kepeþ a Reame
To ȝiue meede to men þat mekeliche him seruen;
To Aliens, to alle Men to honoure hem with ȝiftes.
Meede makeþ him beo bilouet and for a Mon I-holden.
Emperours and Eorles and alle maner lordes
Þorw ȝiftes han ȝonge men to renne and to ride.
Þe pope and his prelates presentes vnderfongen,
And Meedeþ men hem-seluen to meyntene heore lawes.


Seruauns for heore seruise (ȝe seon wel þe soþe),
Takeþ Meede of heore Maystres as þei mowen a-corde.
Beggers for heore biddyng Biddeþ Men [meede];
Munstrals for heor Murþe Meede þei asken.
Þe kyng Meedeþ his Men to maken pees in londe;
Men þat knoweþ Clerkes Meede hem craueþ.
Prestes þat precheþ þe peple to goode
Askeþ Meede and Masse-pons and heore Mete eke.
Alle kunne craftes men craueþ Meede for heore prentys;
Meede and Marchaundie mot [nede] go to-gedere.
Þer may no wiht, as I wene with-outen Meede libbe.”
Now,” quod þe kyng to Concience “be crist, as me þinkeþ,
Meede is Worþi Muche Maystrie to haue!”
“Nay,” quod Concience to þe kyng and knelede to grounde;
“Þer beoþ twey maner of Meedes my lord, bi þi leue.
Þat on, good God of his grace ȝiueþ, in his blisse,
To hem þat wel worchen whil þat þei ben here.
Þe Prophete hit prechede and put hit in þe psauter,

Qui peccuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram, &c.


Tak no Meede, mi lord of Men þat beoþ trewe;
Loue hem, and leeue hem for vr lordes loue of heuene;
Godes Meede and his Merci þer-with þou maiht winne.
Bote þer is a Meede Mesureles þat Maystrie desyret,
To Meyntene Misdoers Meede þei taken;
And þerof seiþ þe psauter in þe psalmes eende,

In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt; dextera eorum repleta est muneribus;

[þat here riȝthond is hepid ful of ȝeftis],
And heo þat gripeþ heore ȝiftus (so me God helpe!)
Þei schullen a-Bugge bitterly or þe Bok lyȝeþ!
Preostes and Persones þat plesyng desyreþ,
And takeþ Meede and moneye for Massen þat þei syngen,
Schullen han Meede in þis Molde þat Matheu haþ I-grauntet;

Amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam.

Þat laborers and louh folk taken of heore Maystres,
Nis no Maner Meede bote Mesurable huyre.
In Marchaundise nis no Meede I may hit wel avoue;
Hit is a permutacion a peni for anoþer.


But Raddest þou neuer Regum [þou] recreiȝede Meede,
Whi þat veniaunce fel on Saul and his chi[l]dren?
God sende to seie Bi Samuels mouþe,
Þat Agag and Amalec and al his peple aftur,
Schulden dye for a dede þat don hedde his eldren
Aȝeynes Israel and Aaron and Moyses his broþer.
Samuel seide to Saul God seendeþ þe and hoteþ
To beo boxum and boun his biddyng to worche;
“Weend þider with þin host wymmen to Culle,
Children and Cheorles Chop hem to deþe,
Loke þow culle þe kyng Coueyte not his goodes
For Milions of Moneye; Morþer hem vchone.
Bernes and Beestes Brenne hem al to askes.”
And for he culde not þe kyng as crist him-self hihte,
Coueytede feir catel and [culde] not his Beestes,
Bote brouhte wiþ him þe Beestes as þe Bible telleþ,
God sende to seye þat [Saul] schulde dye,
And al his seed for þat Sunne schendfulliche ende.
Such a Mischef Meede made þe kyng to haue,
Þat God hatede him euere and his heires after.


Þe Culorum of þis [clause] kepe I not to schewe,
In Auenture hit [nuyȝed] me an ende wol I make:
And riht as Agag hedde hapne schulle summe;
Samuel schal slen him and Saul schal be blamet,
Dauid schal ben Dyademed and daunten hem alle,
And on cristene kyng kepen vs vchone.
Concience knoweþ þis; for kuynde wit me tauȝte
Þat Resun schal regne and Reames gouerne;
Schal no more Meede be Mayster vppon eorþe,
Bote loue and louhnesse and leute to-gedere.
And heo þat trespasseþ to trouþe or doþ aȝeyn his wille,
Leute schal don him lawe or leosen his lyf elles.
Schal no seriaunt for þat seruise were a selk houue,
Ne no Ray Robe wiþ Riche pelure.
Meede of misdoers makeþ men so riche,
Þat lawe is lord I-waxen and leute is pore.
Vnkuynde[n]esse is Comaundour and kuyndenesse is Banescht.
[Ac] kuynde wit schal come ȝit and Concience to-gedere,
And make of lawe a laborer such loue schal aryse!”