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Instructions for Parish Priests

By John Myrc [i.e. Mirk]. Edited from Cotton MS. Claudius A. II, by Edward Peacock

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De luxuria.

Hast þow synged in lechery?
Telle me sone baldely;
And how ofte þow dydest þat dede,
Telle me þow moste nede;
And wheþer hyt were wyf or may,
Sybbe or fremde þat þow by lay;
And ȝef ho were syb to the,
How syb þow moste telle me;
And ȝe[f] ho were ankeras or nonne,
Wydowe or wyf telle ȝef þou conne,
Or any þat haþ a-vowet to chastyte,
Or comyn wommon ȝef ho be,


Or wheþer þow dost by strengþe so,
Or by asent of ȝow bo?
Hast þou ete or dronke any letewary
To enforce the to lechery?
Hast þow any þynge wroȝt or do,
Þat stered þy flesch þe more þerto,
Clyppynge, or kyssynge, or towchynge of lyth,
That thy flesch was styred wyth?
Hast þow be tempted to any wommon,
And myche & ȝerne I-þoght þer-on,
And woldest fayn in thy þoght,
Þat fowle dede wyþ hyre haue wroȝt?
Þen þow dost synne in lechery,
As god hym self seyth verrely,
Wythowte werke or fleschly dede
Þy chastyte from þe doth flede.
Hast þow had lust inwardely,
And þoȝt myche in lechery,
And hast be tempted in syche a þoȝt?
Telle me, sone, spare þow noȝt.
Slepynge or wakynge wheþer hyt were,
Telle me, sone, a-non ryght here.
Hast þow do sorfet of mete & drynke,
And after we[re] polluted slepynge?
Hast þow do þat synne bale
By any wommon þat lay in hale?
Hast þow wowet any wyghte,
And tempted hyre ouer nyghte?
Hast þou made þe gay þerfore,
Þat heo schulde þe loue þe more?
Hast þou desyred syche to be,
Þat wymmen schulde loue þe?
Hast þou hade lykynge for to here
Songes þat of lechery were?


Hast þou counselet or do socowre
By any wey to a lechowre?
Be-þenke þe, sone, in vche degre
What in þy thoghte be-fel þe;
Ȝef þow conne any þynge mynne,
Þat perteneth to þat synne.