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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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To Alexander Neuell of the blessed Sate of him that feeles not the force of Cupids flames.

As ofte as I
remembre with my self,
The Fancies fonde,
that flame by foolysh Loue,
And marke the Furyes
fell, the blynded elfe
And Uenus she
that raynes so sore aboue,
As ofte as I
do se the wofull state,
Of Louers all,
and eake their myserye,
The ones desy-
ryng mynde the others hate,

Trothe with the one,
with the other Trecherye,
So ofte saye I,
that blessed is the wyght,
Yea Neuell blest,
and double blest agayne,
That can by rea-
son rule his mynde a ryght,
And take suche foo-
lysh fadynge toyes for vayne.