University of Virginia Library


[When with the dawning of my first delight]

When with the dawning of my first delight
The day light of loues delycasie mou'd me


Then from my heauens disdainfull starrie light
The moone-light of her chastitie reprou'd me
Her forheads threatfull cloudes from hope remou'd me
Till midnight rear'd on the mid-noctiall line
Her hart whiles pities sleight had vndershou'd me
Then did I force her downward to decline
Till dawning day light chearefully did shine
And by such happie reuolution drew
Her mornings blush to ioyfull smiles encline
And now Meridian heate dries vp my dewe
There rest faire Planets stay bright orbes of heauen
Still smiling at my dyall next eleuen.