University of Virginia Library



All hail, divine Compassion! see
Low at thy shrine, my bended knee!
Lend to my verse thy melting glow,
And all the tender plaintiveness of woe!
The man who feels when others grieve,
And loves the wretched to relieve,
Enjoys more true delight,
Than he, who in the fields of war
Triumphant rolls his thundering car,
And gains the laurels of the fight!
Than he, whom shouting realms proclaim,
The victor of mankind, the boast of Fame.
Sweet Compassion! noblest friend;
From thy native skies descend;
Gently breathing through the heart,
All thy tender warmth impart!
Lure us from the gloomy cell,
Where Indifference loves to dwell!
Come with Truth, celestial maid,
In her brightest robes arrayed;
And with Bliss, delightful prize,
Blessing our enraptured eyes!
Behold! the heavens of heavens unbar
Their golden portals wide;


In glory clad, thy train appear;
Upon the spheres they ride.
Pleased with a Howard's glorious fame,
Thou comest from realms above,
To kindle at his tomb the flame
Of universal love;
To crown with wreaths of endless bloom,
And joy, that never fades,
The man, whose heavenly paths illume
Misfortune's dreary shades.
Welcome, on earth, thy golden reign!
Now hideous vice, and tottering pain
Shall quickly flee away.
As hills of snow in face of day
In winter their high heads display;
But, melted by the vernal beams,
Their mass dissolves in liquid streams:
So by thy genial ray
Inspired, the frozen cheek of woe
Shall feel soft Rapture's pleasing glow,
And tears of joy around the world shall flow.