University of Virginia Library



You with fortune's gale that float,
Welcome to my rough-hewn boat!
Pleasant is your sunny crew,
But, O friends, of rainy weather,
Tenderer love I bear to you,
We have borne the heat together!
Pleasure's tie a chance may sever,
But the ties of sorrow, never!
And, old friends, though bitter storms
Part us, in my dreams I gather
Each of you in memory's arms,
And we sail away together,
Toward that fair and friendly shore
Whither hope has gone before.
For life's promise now is lost—
Time has cut youth's golden tether,
And we feel the autumn frost
Falling on our heads together.
But though gloom our voyage enshrouds,
Day breaks brightest in the clouds;
And though earth be sad and cold,
Heaven is made of flowery weather,
And as here we 're growing old,
There, we shall grow young together.