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The sons of Usna

a tragi-apotheosis, in five acts

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The Mansion of Barach. Enter Fergus, attended by the Sons of Usna, Daidra, Ainli, Ardan, his two Sons, Illan the Fair, and Buini the Ruthless Red, and Callon, the Shield-bearer. Enter Barach.
Welcome, most noble Fergus! welcome home!
And you, the three great Sons of Usna—Kings!
And fair Daidra, brave Naisa's queen!
Thrice welcome all! Come, make yourselves at home!
Sit down. The dust of travel on your feet—
The weariness of walking in your limbs—
You must want rest. Sit down. Come, Fergus—sit.
And you, Daidra! tired as you must be—
Thou—fairest one of woman ever born!
Here, take your fill of rest until the morn.

We thank you from our hearts, but we must on:
The day is growing late; we have no time
Now to reach Eman by the set of Sun.

Then, Fergus, you will stay? I know you will—
For you have sworn not to refuse a Feast,
When proffered to you by the friend you love.
This I have now prepared for you; so, you
Must stay. I hold you to your solemn vows,
Which you cannot forswear. Come, sit you down.

No, by the Eternal Gods! I will not sit!
Hard is your heart to urge me to a feast,
When you do know I promised Conor, that,
So soon as I had trod on Erin's shore,
Whether it was by night, or by the day,
I would not tarry till I had arrived
In Eman with the three great Usna-Sons.

I lay you under solemn banns, that you
Remain till you have taken of this Feast.

Now, by my God! the day will come when you
Will rue the untimed cooking of this Feast!
What shall be done, Naisa? I must stay,
Or be forsworn!

Do as you please. You have
The power to stay or go—use your own choice—
Forsake us for the Feast—the Feast for us.

But I will not forsake you for the Feast,
For I will send my Sons along with you—
Illan the Fair, with Buini the Ruthless Red.

Upon my soul, we thank you not for them,
For we want none to help us but ourselves.
So, now, farewell!

[Exeunt the Sons of Usna, Daidra, and Fergus' Sons.
May Heaven attend your steps!
Now is my soul most sorrowful indeed!
Oh! Barach! Barach! you have broke my heart—
Forcing me here to stay against my will!
Feasting the banquet that I cannot eat!

[Exeunt Barach and Fergus.