University of Virginia Library

GSU : How Much Is It Worth To You ?

Dear Sir:

The recent decision by the
Board of Visitors concerning
the $45 allocation to the Gay
Student Union "bothers" me
too. I fail to see any significant
reason for special treatment of
this organization as opposed to
other student organizations. In
fact, I believe the whole
brouhaha could be the product
of some reactionary minds who
do not want to recognize the
existence of "all types of
people" and their right to the
same justice and consideration
as anyone.

I suggest the students of
this University decide. It would
take 4500 people contributing
a penny, 450 people
contributing a dime or 45
people contributing a dollar.

I'll start with a dollar sent
to the G.S.U. P.O. Box 3610,
University Station. How much
is it worth to you?

Suzanne J. Hollandsworth
Coll. 2