University of Virginia Library


Charlottesville's first Gay
organization is now in the works. If
you would like to help start a Gay
Activist Group, please call

Want to hitch hike through Europe
this summer? Call 295-0587. Will
leave middle of June.

20% off on all tripods and gadget
bags. Friday and Saturday, March 24
and 25. Camera Center—913 W.
Main. 293-8970.

Young Ladies 19 to 22 years of age
Largest Morgan horse breeding farm
in the South— living quarters
provided and small allowance.
Opportunity to learn about the
Morgan horse, learn to work with
and train young Morgans and
exercise the older ones over the miles
of trails on the farm. However, not
to mislead you this is not a camp:
this is a working Morgan horse farm.
You understand that barn work is
part of the job. Here is an
opportunity to learn while you
work. We show our stock in
Vermont, Mass., Penna and Upstate
New York, so you will on occasion
attend the shows and assist in the
showing. Apply to Rapidian River
Farm, P.O. Box 45, Lignum Virginia
22726. Send resume, recent picture,
(if under 21 years of age, letter of
permission from your parents
required). Written personal
references required.

Students Jet to London form
$170.00 round trip, departures
from major points in U.S.
Inter-European flights, tours and
vacations. Air Mall. Bassette
International, 60 High St.,
Shanklin, Isle of Wight, England
N.Y./Acapuico/N.Y. via U.A. DC 8
March 31-April 7 $179 Europe this
Summer $199. N.Y./Lon./N.Y. via
BMA 707. Call Gordon 296-9253.

Interested in working for Wilbur
Mills for President? If you can help,
call 973-3556.

Regular tennis partner wanted. Am
rusty—once decent. Call Alan
973-5111 evenings.