University of Virginia Library


Last chance to purchase any size
water bed w/5 year written
guarantee for only $29.95. Heater
special—35.00 Phone 295-0042
after 6:00 p.m.

Get Cultured! Attend future
programs of Circolo Italiano (for
students fascinated by Italian).
Notices upcoming.

Due to contractual hangup, the
Corks and Curls can't guarantee
delivery on subscriptions ordered
after Dec. 13. If you want to order
a yearbook, call 924-3236.

First and Second year male
students. Contact Dept. Air Science
concerning Air Force/Navigator
Commissioning and Scholarship
availability. Varsity Hall, 924-3394.

Hillel Foundation: Hanukkah Party
and Dell-Buffet, Sunday, December
12 at 5 p.m.: phone 295-4963 for

Needed Desperately: Male
volunteer to work with two boys at
Halfway House in companionship
program. Call Kathy Gradel at
Madison Hall, 295-3032.