University of Virginia Library

High Price

Dear Sir:

The extent of overcrowding
at this University was very
pointedly driven home to me
last Monday evening as I
sought a parking place within
walking distance of Wilson
Hall. After about twenty
minutes of diligent searching I
spied a place and wheeled It to
it, only to discover it was one
of the two spots reserved for
"Blood Donors" across from
the Barringer wing of the
Hospital. I nevertheless decided
to remain where I was, but felt
it my duty under the Honor
System to go in and offer my
pint of blood to the medical
student on duty in the Blood
Bank that night. My donation
was accepted, and I left after a
few minutes only slightly
weaker for the loss of blood,
and feeling at the same time a
curious mixture of both
triumph and depression. I was
elated that I had managed to
beat the system and get a
parking place, but I was
distressed to learn that I can
give blood—and get that
parking place—only once every
eight weeks. With the parking
situation the way it is, I am
tempted to go ahead and let
them drain me once a week. It
would only be for one
semester. I wonder if I could
use an alias?

Jim Currie
Grad. History 4