University of Virginia Library

Covert Action

The CIA, or Central
Intelligence Agency, is the
primary intelligence agency in
the US Government-but it
does more than just collect

As a report from a secret
meeting of the Council on
Foreign Relations, an elite
group of corporation
presidents, bankers and
government officials, in New
York stated, the CIA's
functions in the field of covert
action includes:

"1. political advice and

2. subsidies to an

3. financial support and
'technical assistance' to
political parties

4. support of private
organizations, including
labor unions, business
firms, cooperatives, etc.

5. covert propaganda

6. "private" training of
individuals and exchange
of persons

7. economic operations

8. paramilitary for
political action operations
designed to overflow or to
support a regime (like the
Bay of Pigs and the
programs in Laos)."