University of Virginia Library

Wooden Actor

Perry isn't helped much by his
actors either. Harris Yulin as Earp
tries to be understated but doesn't
manage to generate any life into the
character, creating a monotoned,
wooden performance. Faye
Dunaway has one good scene when
she tries to get Holliday to take her
away from Tombstone, but her
Katie Elder is almost as bland as
Yulin's Earp.

Stacy Keach in the title role of
"Doc" Holliday fluctuates between
imitating Yulin and giving an
interesting performance. He is very
good when he's wrecked on opium,
and interesting when he's with Miss
Dunaway. When he's a gunfighter,
however, he tends to deliver his
lines with the same lack of emotion
that mars Yulin's performance. In
a supporting role as Conklin,
Mike Witney is excellent, and with
Holiday is the only interesting
character in the film.