University of Virginia Library

Blood Drive

Dear Sir:

We of the Central Virginia
Chapter of the American Red
Cross, would at this time thank
ALL of the students of the
University of Virginia that came
out in support of our recent Blood
Drive for the Martha Jefferson
Hospital. Many lives will be helped
by this work.

Some people would rather give
money to a cause, or donate other
material things in order to help
other people in need. When it
comes to a need for blood, there is
only one place for it to come from,
and that is another fellow human

We hope as you travel through
life, regardless of where you may
be, that you will continue to share
your life giving blood with those
that are not as fortunate as you.

In closing we thank all of you
for making the drive such a success,
and may God bless all of you.

John Geary Scott
Blood Recruitment Chairman
Central Virginia Chapter
American Red Cross