University of Virginia Library

End Of A Sanctuary

This morning's pre-dawn bust of a student
living in Dunglison House must serve as final
notice to all students that the local authorities
will let nothing stand in their way as they
fight to wipe out any and all drug users. As
the University officials have warned, no
longer will the Grounds be considered a haven
for dope-smoking, students are just as
susceptible to arrest as any other citizens.

While we certainly do not agree with the
newly-enforced police and University drug
policy, it is evident that students must now
begin to take serious steps to protect
themselves from the potential disaster of a
drug arrest. While only one student here was
involved in this latest incident, many could
have befallen a similar fate.

Rumors have circulated for years about
the list of names of known users which
Commonwealth's Attorney Jack Camblos
holds, just waiting for an appropriate time to
move in. Following yesterday's crackdown,
Albemarle County Sheriff Bailey reportedly
told a student that the police have the names
of 200 people and that later raids will be
carried out. Only the most naive skeptics can
continue to take the "it will never happen to
me" attitude.

Yesterday's raid was just one of a series
made around the state. More will occur.
University students of late have taken a
carefree attitude towards drug use. While few
can expect and many would not urge students
to stop using drugs, we do urge that those
choosing to continue do so with the utmost

Academic communities are usually ahead
of the general populace. Apparently, Virginia
is making no effort to catch up with the
attitudes of either students here or more
informed authorities elsewhere. Only we
students will suffer.