University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

By now most people have had
the opportunity to read and
consider the People's Peace Treaty
which is currently being circulated
for notification. Although I agree
with the intent of the treaty to
bring peace to Indochina coupled
with a "spirit of self-determination
and mutual respect for all
independence and political freedom
of the people of Vietnam and the
United States," I cannot in good
conscience ratify this treaty
because of the pledge:" "In
ratifying the agreement, we pledge
to take whatever action are
appropriate to implement the terms
of this joint Treaty and to insure its
acceptance by the government of
the United States." By virtue of its
own vague wording, this pledge
necessarily includes violence as a
method of appropriate action. To
want to end the violence of war, to
attempt to bring peace not only to
Indochina but the United States as
well is a noble, just goal well worth
striving for. But to condone
violence as a method of ending
violence is hypothetical and
inconsistent with any efforts aimed
at peace.

Richard Maxwell
College 2