University of Virginia Library

'Justice' Strikes Again,
Bust Benefit Saturday

Bail ($11,000), legal defense
fees (not cheap), and attendant
costs of standing trial in America
often inhibit due process for
persons accused of crimes against
the State. Charlottesville, it seems,
is no Shangri-la in this respect.

For four University students
busted on dope charges in
November, the question is not just
Platonic. Bill Keene, Pat Flood,
Charlie Johnson and Clyde Ellis are
currently charged with separate
offenses ranging from possession of
grass (a misdemeanor) to acid (a
felony). (For details, see Letters
section, below.)

A defense fund has been
established to enable the students
to carry their cases as far as Lady
Justice will permit. Contributions
should be directed to:

Defense Fund
2100 Jefferson Park Ave.

8:30 Saturday night in Cabell
Hall auditorium, a bust benefit —
free concert will feature Rock
Lustre along with Captain Tunes
and His Fabulous Noteguns (w/
Notettes). The event is sponsored
by Student Council, and contributions
to the defense fund will be

The sounds should go on until
around 1:30. With the recent
announcement by local police of a
new "war on drugs," a little help
from some friends might be a
healthy, decent sort of thing. Can
you dig it?