University of Virginia Library

Howdy Doody

Well we see that Student Council has
finally found their true element. For all of us
University students and faculty the Student
Council's Activities Committee is considering
undertaking the task of bringing that hero of
our youth, Howdy Doody, and his affable
friend Buffalo Bob to Charlottesville so that
we can once again relive our childhood

Among other things, the Activities
Committee has decided that there is a shortage
of nationally known and interesting outside
personalities coming to the University to
speak. We certainly agree. Student Council in
an effort to supplement the regular service
groups, such as the Student Legal Forum,
which bring noted men and women to the
Grounds to lecture, is approaching some
possible speakers and/or entertainers on their
own. Bernadette Devlin, Member of
Parliament and controversial activist in the
religious and political struggles in Northern
Ireland, has been invited to speak in March.

We guess that the Student Council did not
want a later attraction to look like an
anti-climax when it considered asking Buffalo
Bob and that ever adorable Howdy Doody to
come to University Hall. The rationale behind
the decision seems to be that students would
just love to see the show that made Saturday
mornings in the 1950's all that they were.

At least if Student Council does finally
decide to invite Howdy and Buffalo to
Charlottesville, the dynamic duo will fit right
at home with their hosts from Student
Government who put on quite a show