University of Virginia Library

By Bud Ogle

The Union of University Students'
petition requesting a referendum
on the administration's recently
promulgated code of student
conduct begins,

"Whereas George III is dead but
his spirit lingers on, and

"Whereas the state motto of
Virginia proudly proclaims Sic
Semper Tyrannis,

"Whereas that government is
best which governs least, and

"Whereas the administration's
code of conduct does not have the
consent of the governed ....

The not-so-subtle allusions to
autocratic administrative techniques
are eminently appropriate.
The administration's apparent
schizophrenia about proper channels,
reason and persuasion makes
an intriguing study — if it were not
so crucial and potentially disruptive.
The very manner the code was
announced as a fait accompli helps
cause the unrest the code seeks to