University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

As long as U.S. population
continues to grow, and as long as
the average person continues to
expect and demand loudly more
and more consumption, we will
continue to face the crises referred
to in your editorials of September
28. The conclusion, which I find
inescapable, is that we must
drastically decrease our population
if we are to maintain even our
present standard of living.

The alternative is clear; the
science of ecology has taught us
what happens when any species
"blooms". Science and technology
can only postpone the day of
reckoning and make the eventual
disaster even greater.

To expect more and more out of
a system which has decreasing
available resources in critical areas
and which is beginning to show
signs of decreasing efficiency is
clearly absurd.

Carter Allen
No. 2 Dawson's Row