University of Virginia Library

Our Apologies

In the past there have been days where the
newspaper came out late or not at all, but
never before have we blown our first issue. We
apologize to our readers, advertisers, printers,
and the University organizations who were
counting on the notices to get their particular
message to the students.

A small number of individuals have
expressed their anger to us over this particular
non-event. We assure you, however, that their
anger does not approach our own. Our
commitment to put out a newspaper five-days
a week has only been deepened by yesterday's

We were supposed to put out an issue of
this newspaper yesterday, our first regular
edition of the year. It did not appear because
most of the issue's pictures and a great deal of
the advertising copy were inexplicably dispatched
to Washington, D.C. by the
Continental Trailways bus system, instead of
to Culpeper where we are printed. Our printer
was unable to contact any of the staff to find
out if we wanted to run the issue anyway,
with gaping holes where the pictures would
have been, and so the printing crew was
allowed to go home early for a change.