University of Virginia Library

A Communication

The following telegram was received by the
editor-in-chief of The Cavalier Daily yesterday
morning. It was signed by five United States
Senators, George McGovern, Mark Hatfield, Charles
Goodell, Alan Cranston and Harold Hughes.

We share the sense of outrage which you
and other Americans feel over the war in
Southeast Asia. The recent invasion of
Cambodia and the resumption of bombing of
North Vietnam are only the latest in a long
series of actions that mean more anguish and
destruction on all sides.

We also share your sense of frustration in
seeking to halt this endless war and senseless
policy. We believe it is time congress played
the role assigned it by the Constitution in
determining our involvement in military
adventures abroad. This leadership role is
admittedly long overdue.

This absence of leadership has had tragic
results. We are shocked and grieved by the
tragedy that occurred at Kent State on
Monday. We share a sense of guilt because of
the lack of alternatives provided by the
Congress of the United States thus far. We
hope our present effort will provide a
meaningful alternative.

We urge you to direct your efforts to
supporting Congressional action to cut off
further funds for Southeast Asia except for
the purpose of withdrawing troops safely and
systematically, the exchange of prisoners, and
asylum for Vietnamese who might feel
threatened by our withdrawal.

This will come to a vote, probably within
30 days, when there will be an official roll call
on this amendment requiring every senator to
go on record for or against continued funding
of the war. Similar efforts are underway in the
House of Representatives.

Will you do all in your power to generate
public support for a victorious roll call to end
the war? Your letters, phone calls, petitions
and personal visits to your senators and
congressmen are urgently needed now and
during the next three of four crucial weeks.

Above all, please make it known that acts
of violence will be manipulated to the
detriment of our cause, and will sabotage this
initiative for peace.