University of Virginia Library

Wall Street Lackeys

Dear Sir:

Much as I admire the virtues of
free competition, I must object to
the recent Student Council motion
urging the Board of Visitors to
make The Cavalier Daily compete
with other clubs and nefarious
groups for funds.

The Cavalier Daily is certainly
the only organization on the
Grounds from which all students
receive both enjoyment and useful
information every day. Indeed it's
not going too far to say that the
paper is the only reason we get up
for morning classes at all. (God
knows why we stay around for the
afternoon classes.)

What the Polyfloxupit Society
or the Student Council do with
their money seldom benefits anyone
but themselves. I think the
paper should retain its status as the
privileged lackey of the Wall Street

Phil Brannon
Coolidge III