University of Virginia Library

Drop First Match

The team's first encounter with
Scottish ruggers was unscheduled,
unsuccessful, and illegal. A Palm
Sunday bus tour of the Highlands
culminated in an impromptu and
anti-blue law match pitting the
Virginia B's against a pick-up side
from Kirckaldie, a town twenty
miles up the coast from Edinburgh.

Striking in the first half when
the Virginians were still not certain
they were off the plane, the Scots
built a quick 18-0 lead, and coasted
the rest of the way for an 18-6

The first scheduled match took
place the next day against the
Watsonians a team of alumni from
George Watson's College, an Edinburgh
prep school. The Watsonians'
first team was at that time the best
club in Scotland; the group that
met the Cavaliers was composed
primarily of second team players,
and they were lucky to walk off the
pitch with a 16-12 victory.

The Cavaliers scored first on a
beautifully executed long run
which left the Scots wondering
whether they shouldn't have sent
their first side into the fray.
Equally dazzling was the American
cheering section. Where the home
fans combined themselves to an
occasional "Get on, Watsonians,"
or a restrained "Well-kicked,
Derek," the Yanks psyched up
already for the first formal encounter,
reacted to the first try
with a series of yells that would
have done Scott Stadium proud.